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Lascal Kiddy Guard Avant Retractable Child Safety Gate White Mesh .
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List Price:$ 179.95 In Stock.
Buy Lascal Kiddy Guard Avant Retractable Child Safety Gate White MeshDeals.
- Attractive elegant design
- Almost invisible when closed
- No threshold to trip over
- Manual and automatic operation
Kiddy Guard Avant Gate has a new elegant design and is almost invisible when not in use. Mesh panel Durable polyester easily retracts from an open to closed in the metal casing of a side position. The housing protects against dirt and wear. Allows manual and automatic operation, with a unique locking time. It engages in both the open and closed positions. Simple one hand. Advanced to secure openings up to 51 "wide. Size is 32". Use the in-between room
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Lascal Kiddy Guard Avant Retractable Child Safety Gate White Mesh
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