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List Price:$ 119.99 In Stock.
Buy Joovy Twin Roo Car Seat StrollerDeals.
- Unique side mount gives you easy access without stroller handle getting in your way
- Small wheel-base provides easy handling and super maneuverability
- Features a one-hand fold, front-wheel suspension, swivel wheel locks, rear brakes, and large basket
Side Cocks mounting allows easy access and close when you are sitting at a table, how can you park near the Roo, without the handle getting in the way. This function is useful when you stop feeding the baby are in a restaurant or simply interact session. The frame is wider design for maximum stability for your baby. The smaller wheelbase allows superb maneuverability and ease of handling. It folds compactly with one-hand fold for convenience. The Roo works with cu
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Joovy Twin Roo Car Seat Stroller
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